Saturday 24 September 2016

The Seven Day Writing Challenge - Day 7

This seven-day writing challenge is designed to simply get you writing. There is no word limit on each exercise but you’ll probably aim to write 300 – 500 words for each. Make the exercises work for you as you wish. You can work chronologically through each day, or you can spend more time on one day if it needs more attention and then catch up with the other exercises at a later date. Most importantly, just keep writing! Save revisions for after the end of the challenge. I’d love to know how you get on so leave a comment!

Write on

Congratulations for making it to day seven! By now you will have written about 3,500 words. Today, look back on what you’ve produced over the last six days. Was there one particular session that you enjoyed especially, or one that was weaker than the others? Choose one of your pieces that you would like to expand and explore further. For this exercise set a timer for about thirty minutes and free write. You may want to continue from where you left off or you could use your free write on why the piece intrigues you, how you will expand on it, what research you’ll need to do, etc. Allow yourself to be unedited, don’t think too much, just write.

If you’ve enjoyed the challenge, feel free to explore previous writing exercises and keep visiting for new ones to be added! Follow on Bloglovin'. 

Previous exercises:    Day One – You are Here
                                   Day Two – Fashioning your Character
                                   Day Three –Transformations
                                   Day Four – Giving Directions
                                   Day Five – Adopt a Character
                                   Day Six – Respond to a Classic



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